While all our social media feeds and email inboxes have been vying for your attention, the traditional print mail clutter has decreased to a point where I now notice well designed print marketing. It’s easy to delete an email or scan past a post, but a printed brochure will be held and digested, even without wi-fi. A printed campaign offers a genuine tactile experience with your brand that a screen cannot match. With the help of a print designer, you can make use of this ideal opportunity to get your message in front of your target audience. It doesn’t take long for your impression to be made. Digital printing and high-end finishing techniques such as embossing, die-cutting, and creative varnishing can elevate your print collateral to the next level so your message stays in front of your customers far longer than a screen. A print-based mailer can be extremely effective when working in conjunction with a digital marketing effort. The overall consistency of the brand experience can further cement your brand in your customers mind and help convert prospects to customers. Check out some stats referenced above as well as a few more from around the web: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics for Small Businesses markField Design offers a full range of print design and print production services. From full-scale marketing collateral to direct mail, we offer fluency in all the latest tools as well as print vendor sourcing and print production management. Let us help you round out your next marketing effort with a printed component to help elevate your brand, and drive sales. Take a look at some sample print projects. Philosophy Phone: 617-256-5929 |